Many businesses have a product or service that’s performing reasonably well, perhaps even thriving, but doesn’t quite align with the company’s core offerings. It’s often called an “orphaned” product—a good or service that is disconnected from the company’s main focus. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. It’s more common than you might think. In fact, there are many buyers, from individual investors to private equity firms, actively seeking product lines that can complement or enhance their existing portfolios. Some may even be looking for a standalone product or service they can build an entire business around. If you’re considering whether to divest your orphaned product or service, here are a few reasons why it might make sense for your company. Improved Focus and Efficiency One of the primary reasons to divest an orphaned product is the opportunity it provides to refocus your company’s efforts. An orphaned product, even if it’s successful, can distract your team and … [Read more...]