The old saying that “there is no replacement for experience” is a truism that has stood the test of time. The simple fact is that a lack of experience can dismantle your deal. Consider the following scenario – a business owner nearing retirement owns a multi-location retail operation that is doing several million in annual sales. He interviews a well-respected and experienced intermediary and is impressed. However, the business owner's niece has recently received her MBA and has told her uncle that she can handle the sale of his business and in the process, save him a bundle. On paper, everything sounds fine, but as it turns out the lack of experience gives this business owner less than optimal results. Let's take a look at a few problems that recently arose with our nameless, but successful, business owner and his well-meaning and smart, but inexperienced niece. Error #1 No Confidentiality Agreements One problem is that the business owner and his niece don't use confidentiality … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2017
Around the Web: A Month in Summary
A recent article posted on entitled “Small Business Owners Are Retiring, And Millennials May Not Fill The Gap On America's Main Street” uses the closing of a 235-year-old hardware store to prove a startling fact: the Millennial generation may not be suited to take over small business ownership like the generations before them. In the case of Elwood Adams Hardware, which has seen a multitude of owners over the last almost two and a half centuries, the current owner simply couldn't find a buyer. While student loan debt and an inclination to pursue work in the gig economy may be factors in this unwillingness to take on small business ownership, their age may actually be the driving factor. The article mentions that the sweet spot for entrepreneurship is typically the 40's, so it may take some time to truly see if millennials are suited for small business ownership. Click here to read the full article. A recent article from the Axial Forum entitled “Five Due Diligence Pitfalls … [Read more...]
It’s Time To Embrace CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
If you are unfamiliar with CSR or corporate social responsibility, you are certainly not alone. In the coming years, you'll be hearing a lot about CSR. In this article, we'll look at CSR and how, when implemented with sincerity, it can positively impact your company and its operation. Building Your CSR Locally One of the key ways that you can build your CSR is to think about ways to help your community. Contributing to local community programs, for example, is a great place to start. Everything from personal involvement to direct financial support can help build your company's reputation within your community. Your Connection to the Environment A second way to build your CSR is to show that your company is thinking about its impact on the environment. Recycling is important but so is using eco-friendly packaging and containers. Additionally, embracing low-emission and high mileage vehicles is another good step as this lowers your company's carbon footprint. Advertising and Good … [Read more...]